Madeleine Rzesniowiecki - Threatened Species Coordinator, Wurundjeri Country

Biodiversity Legacy’s Threatened Species Coordinator, Madeleine Rzesniowiecki, thinks deeply about everything she does – and always has. But her reflections about the world are always tied to action.

While Maddy was studying for a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Philosophy, she also dedicated her time to delivering First Nations cultural education programs, co-founded a community art gallery and supported Aeon, an ideas and culture magazine.

Currently pursuing a Masters of Environment at the University of Melbourne, Madeleine channels her passion for connecting people, culture and the natural world into conservation.

In her role at Biodiversity Legacy, which focuses on projects concerning threatened and totem species, Maddy collaborates with communities and organisations to implement on-ground projects, leveraging her expertise in collecting and synthesising knowledge.

Through partnerships with key entities like Odanata and Wildlife Unlimited, she crafts effective conservation strategies that make a tangible impact.

At the forefront of her endeavours is the leadership of the Spot-tailed Quoll Recovery Project, a significant initiative aimed at reversing the decline of Spot-tailed Quolls in Gippsland. Madeleine’s dedication stems from her profound belief in the importance of listening to the land and fostering connections between people and place. Her vision extends beyond conservation, as she seeks to use creativity to cultivate cultures of care, connection and responsibility.

Integrated with wider reconciliation and decolonial projects, Madeleine’s work embodies a holistic approach to environmental stewardship and community empowerment.