Succession planning for farming families

How to ensure the family farm can continue to thrive and prosper for generations to come

Biodiversity Legacy Director and active land covenantor, Jim Phillipson, is a strong advocate for succession planning to ensure that landholders and families can stay connected to the land.

Jim was one of 40 speakers invited to present at the GROUNDED farming festival in Tasmania, where he provided practical tips and advice on succession planning for farming families – a critical yet challenging conversation.

Modelled on the UK’s Groundswell festival, GROUNDED was established by the renowned Australian chef turned farmer Matthew Evans and partner Sadie Chrestman. It is a unique platform created ‘by farmers, for farmers’ allowing them to share knowledge about regenerative farming practices, food systems, soil and much more. Over 6,000 people attended the event.

Heather and Jim Phillipson on their family farm in East Gippsland.

Jim highlighted the fact that, while these conversations can be difficult, if neglected they can jeopardise the future of the farm.

He emphasised a structured approach to these discussions, highlighting several key strategies, including the engagement of a neutral facilitator to guide discussions.

“This third party provides an objective perspective, helping to manage emotions and ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of the farm,” said Jim.

“Their role includes communicating with title holders and formalising agreements, which can lead to more productive conversations.”

Jim advises starting initial discussions with a small group, specifically those listed on the property title. This approach minimises complications and allows for clearer decision-making.

“Once a foundational framework is established, broader family discussions can take place.”

Establishing a defined timeframe for succession planning is also crucial, said Jim, who recommends a seven-year window, broken down into three, five, and seven-year goals. This timeline encourages structured planning while preventing procrastination, making the process more manageable and focused.

A significant shift in mindset is also necessary when prioritising the farm over individual family members. By treating the farm as an independent entity, families can foster long-term viability and avoid the pitfalls of dividing the farm or selling it off. This perspective encourages discussions that focus on the farm’s future rather than individual interests.

Jim also urged the audience to consider alternatives to equal shares among children.

“Placing the farm into a protected legal entity can ensure its sustainability while providing income for retiring parents. This method can often yield better financial outcomes than traditional equal division,” he said.

Finally, he stressed the importance of acting while there is still control over decision-making. “Delaying the succession planning process can lead to a loss of influence over the farm’s future. By starting early and setting clear goals, families can create a succession plan that benefits both the farm and its family members.”

Why community conservation is the missing link

Mending a fragmented landscape

Since the mid-1970s, conservationists, planners and land managers have been directing their attention to the formation of regional biolinks as an intuitively appealing way of slowing the decline of biodiversity in Australia, a continent that has lost over 40% of its forests since colonisation – 70 to 80% in states like Victoria.

Also known as greenways, green belts, shelterbelts and wildlife corridors, the biolink concept resonates because it is easy to understand.

In his highly influential book, Linkages in the Landscape, La Trobe University conservation researcher, Andrew F Bennett, notes the appeal of biolinks as “a visible solution to a visible problem – habitat fragmentation is generally a strikingly-obvious process. Equally, habitat corridors are a visible sign of efforts to ‘mend’ the fragmented landscape (‘bandages for a wounded natural landscape’ – Soulé and Gilpin 1991).”

He also notes that the ability to establish biolinks at different scales gives local communities the feeling they can ‘do something about’ the damage in their local environment and see visible results.

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water diagram showing landscape elements that contribute to wildlife corridors.
Gondwana Link project in south-western Australia.

The rapid uptake of biolink projects around the world initially outpaced scientific understanding and data collection. Questions were raised about their effectiveness, particularly given the scarcity of conservation resources. Multiple studies were conducted looking at the key domains of:

  • Landscape connectivity – the physical connections between habitats across a landscape.
  • Habitat connectivity – connections between patches of habitat (‘stepping stones’) suitable for specific species.
  • Ecological connectivity – the function of ecosystems across space and time.
  • Evolutionary connectivity – allowing populations to interact naturally, breed and strengthen genetic diversity.

In 2010, the first meta-analysis was published. It showed that corridors increase migration between habitat patches by as much as 50%. Ten years later, a second analysis was done to solve questions raised in the first analysis. It found that, although not all corridors worked as planned, overall corridors effectively increase species movement, fitness and richness. This further translated into an increase in community biodiversity.

Beginning in the early 2000s, up to a dozen large-scale biolinks were proposed or established in Australia, one of the earliest being the Gondwana Link project in south-western Australia. Conceived by a small group of conservationists in 2000, the program now coordinates dozens of separate conservation projects along a 1,000 km corridor from the forests of Margaret River to the semi-arid woodlands and Mallee country bordering the Nullarbor Plain.

In 2005, Greening Australia began shaping up its Habitat 141 project; a 50-year collective response to habitat fragmentation and climate change along the 141st longitude stretching from the coast of South Australia, along the Victorian border, and up to the rugged rangelands of New South Wales.

Noting the success of these and other projects and how they might be connected to the National Reserve System (a network of more than 10,000 Commonwealth, state and territory protected areas), in 2012 the Australian Government published a National Wildlife Corridors Plan. Information on that plan is now difficult to find online. The program appears to have been folded into one of the most ambitious initiatives of all – the Great Eastern Ranges biolink.

This impressive program seeks to conserve and manage a 3,600 km ‘continental lifeline’ of habitats, landscapes and people from the Grampians in western Victoria, along the Great Divide and Eastern Escarpment of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, to the wet tropics and remote Cape York Peninsula in Queensland’s far northeast.

Over 250 regional, state and national organisations have chosen to align their activities with the GER vision. Among them is the Biolinks Alliance, which performs a unique role as a capacity and partnership-building organisation consisting of 18 member Landcare networks working mostly in Central Victoria.

Australian National University researcher, Carina Wyborn, has been studying conservation connectivity since the early 2000s. Many of the themes she discusses in her publications discuss the challenges of collaboration.

“Without people working together, connectivity initiatives will go nowhere (Lovett et al. 2008), thus collaboration and community-based conservation are central.

“Centred in an ethic of place, community-based conservation is underpinned by the premise that local populations have a greater interest in and knowledge of local contexts … further, “by placing these local contributions within a larger picture (e.g large-scale programs), gives conservation on private land greater purpose.”

For decades individual landholders have been working with organisations like Landcare to restore and protect pockets of habitat on private land. This work is critical, given that over 60% of all land in Australia is privately owned or managed (farms, pastoral leases and mines) and that 70% to 90% of inadequately protected wildlife is found on private land.

However, it has sometimes been difficult to see these activities within a broader vision.

Given their commitments to sustainability and better environmental management, many councils are stepping up to fill critical gaps, offering incentives to landholders and practical tools such as maps. A great example of this is Cardina Shire Council’s interactive map, which shows what has been done and what opportunities there are for improvement.

Biodiversity Legacy is also working with landholders and organisations across Australia, like Land Covenantors Victoria and Prom Coast Ecolink, to promote the connection of private landholdings and consider how they too can be tied into the vision we all share – protecting and connecting land for conservation and threatened species.